10 Tiny House Bathroom Ideas

Squeezing in a shower or bath in a tiny house is no small task. Despite downsizing, many of us still want to clean up in a normal-sized way. Actually, lack of a big enough space for the bathroom is a big deterrent to potential tiny house owners.

Despite the square footage limitation, I can report to you that having a beautiful, decent-sized and at times luxurious bathroom is totally possible. Many owners have done it, and below we have some of the best ones we have seen.

Tiny House Bathroom Ideas

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4. Corner bath tub

This one is designed by Tiny Heirloom. They have a penchant for designing and building incredible tiny houses, and they have taken some of that expertise in the bathroom.

In this case, the tub is beautifully positioned at the corner bringing out a luxurious touch. One advantage of having the shower area at the corner is that lots of space is freed up in the bathroom for anything else you would want.

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